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  • Kelly Gibbons

Hope in Uncertainty

Stay home? Stay home! What do you mean stay home? STAY HOME! Don't leave your home. Ever? Only if you absolutely have to. Only for essential things, essential reasons. Essential? Necessary. Life-giving, life-sustaining. Needs not wants.

Okay, well, wow. Stay home. Mandated. Ordered.

Never in my lifetime have I received this directive.

This "stay home" order is absolutely essential if we want to save an exponential number of American lives. Keep contact to an absolute minimum only with those in your house and otherwise six feet or more.

Words swirling around like pandemic, lethal, respiratory drowning, no vaccine, asymptomatic carrier, bats.

BATS! I freaking hate bats. Disease-carrying, flying rats. It makes sense to my brain that something this devistating was spawn from the upside down hanging rodents. But to eat them? I can't wrap my head around that.

So...I choose to focus on other things not quite so disgusting and much more positive. Life-giving rather than life-taking. Focus on the essentials: Being grateful. Being loving. Being compassionate. Being hopeful.

Once again, I am sharing messages of hope with you.

I have been meditating lately and listening to messaging from Deepak Chopra. “Even when you think you have your life all mapped out, things happen that shape your destiny in ways you might never have imagined. ”

~d. chopra~

Damn, that hits home doesn't it? A couple months ago we were all thinking about spring, or planning for a trip, or even making arrangements for summer vacations. And now? We are staying home.

I tell you what, I am grateful to have a home to stay in. I am grateful I have people who care enough about me to stay home too. Inconvenient? Yes. Uncertain? Yes.

In looking back on my life and the times where I didn't know what was going to happen my destiny was most definitely shaped without my input. I had a life map of sorts, but like when my daughter died, things changed. What I thought was certain; having a baby and bringing her home from the hospital to start our lives together, was in fact only a possibility. But what I discovered over time is that uncertainty brings out the best in me.

So I have made the decision to open my heart to the positive possibilities of uncertainty.

To be hopeful rather than fearful. Hope and fear can simply not coexist. If I am hope, I am fear-less and fearless. Fear is an illusion, it is not real.

Of fear Deepak says: "At the soul level you see no need for fear, because you don't need protecting. Living in the now poses no threat, and referring to the past therefore serves no purpose. It is safe to go into your fear and ask it where it came from and what it wants you to know. Having seen the world from its perspective, reassure yourself that the soul needs no guardian. Learn from fear, heal it, and ask it to leave.”

So, while you are staying at home, be hopeful, live in the present. Believe you are well and trust your inner guidance. Trust and belief are two things we have control over. We have no control over the past or our fear for the future. We can learn from it, heal it and ask it to leave. Just like the bats.

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