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  • Kelly Gibbons

How are you engaging with life?

Do you wait to see what the day brings or do you make decisions about how you will create the day you want?

Each day is a unique opportunity. I know you have heard this before but it bears repeating: Yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future, today is a gift...that's why it is called the present! Trite as it might be, today is especially important to me as it is a beautiful day in southwestern Idaho, I am able to embrace it. Because I live in a country which values its citizens and their freedoms, I can utilize this forum and write about my personal opportunity to engage how I want.

There are always plenty of things which are dark and depressing...just watch the news or pick up a paper or click on a newsfeed on one of your electronic devices.

But today, as most days, I choose to engage with life and say thank you. Thank you to the universe and the vast openness of possibilities.

Sure, doors need to be opened for me, or at least make room for my foot, but possibilities abound if you stay aware and see the door partially opened rather than partially closed. It is the same view for choose your perception.

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