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  • Kelly Gibbons

Take every day to make a difference.

Take a step back from your day and think about the mangnanimous.

Let your mind see the endless stretch of "wow."

Most days you have to turn away from the size of the unknown. It is simply too much to comprehend. Scroll it back to the thoughts which are manageable.

Control the controllables.

Don't sweat the small stuff.

All the cliches come to mind.

One of my professors in college once made a statement to me, which I have shared over the years with all my teams: "It's your reality, I'm just in it."

Keep a hold on what is important, focus on the people who you care about, and take everyday to make a difference. Life can be an amazing adventure.

Don't take it or yourself too seriously.

We are but a speck, in the overall vastness.

Take each day as the gift it is, and do something amazing.


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